Why hello there


Hey there!

My name is Sarisha, I'm 16 and live in London, England.
I created this blog as a way of expressing my creativity and passion. This blog will mainly consist of beauty, fashion and lifestyle related posts (yet the occasional cat posts will somehow manage to sneak their way in.) I'm so excited to post more on this blog and start sharing my thoughts and views with whoever comes to read it. Blogging has been a thing that I've always wanted to do, but the daunting first post has always been a huge deterrent for me (it has literally taken over a month for me to come up with how I want to start this post.)
Aside from beauty and lifestyle, I am very passionate about politics and social justice and aspire to become either a human rights lawyer, a member of the United Nations, a politician or maybe all three. I also love cats; actually love is an understatement, I am obsessed with them hence the username "catsncontour".
I do have a lot of social media:
Beauty Instagram: @catsncontour
Personal Instagram: @sarishagoodman
Twitter: @sarishagoodman

Have a wonderful day, I cannot wait to start posting more exciting content soon!
Love Sarisha xxx

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